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Health Care

What you need to know about captive health insurance vs. traditional insurance: 'The health insurance carriers have been making a lot of money'

Captive health insurance and traditional health insurance are very different in terms of who controls an insurance policy.

Health Care

“Hasta la vista” to both sinus and political trouble: Johnson had sinus surgery before announcing resignation

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson underwent a sinus procedure shortly before announcing his resignation.

Health Care

“Hasta la vista” to both sinus and political trouble: Johnson had sinus surgery before announcing resignation

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson underwent a sinus procedure shortly before announcing his resignation.

Health Care

Indianapolis Sinus Center offers treatment options for chronic sinus inflammation

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

Antibiotics are not necessarily the best treatment for patients with chronic sinus inflammation

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

Dr. Brian Lee loves helping patients to be able to breathe freely again

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

Balloon sinuplasty is an effective solution for people with recurring sinus problems

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

Balloon sinuplasty is an effective solution for people with recurring sinus problems

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

CEO of Everlong Captive Health Insurance: 'The reason we’re doing all this, is because the costs are just too high'

Downers' Grove resident Doug Truax, founder and CEO of Everlong  Captive  Health Insurance Co., has played many roles in his life as a   father, veteran, business owner, volunteer in the local community and  former candidate for U.S.

Health Care

Arizona sinus experts recommend balloon sinuplasty treatment for chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinus inflammation can lead to decreased functionality and painful symptoms.

Health Care

Decongestants are ‘not treating the problem’ when it comes to sinusitis, ENT specialist says

Dr. Manish Khanna of Capitol Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers warns against the use of decongestants and the role sinusitis has on other health conditions.

Health Care

Anthem Health and Wellness Club meeting on Resistant Weight Loss - Guest Speaker: Andi Coffee, Board Certified Nutritionist on June 23, 2022

Anthem Health and Wellness Club meeting on Resistant Weight Loss - Guest Speaker: Andi Coffee, Board Certified Nutritionist on June 23, 2022.

Health Care

New research suggests sinusitis affects brain's neural processing

New research is suggesting that sinusitis or chronic rhinosinusitis may have profound effects on neural processing, affecting mental stability, depression, cognition and awareness.

Health Care

Impaired breathing due to sinusitis can affect your overall health

Historical evidence supports the theory that how we breathe is an essential factor in our overall health and well-being.

Health Care

Poor breathing can affect your health, which is why chronic sinusitis can be so debilitating

Historical evidence backs the idea that how we breathe is an essential factor in our overall health, and studies show that chronic sinusitis can contribute to or cause other health conditions.

Health Care

Connection found between chronic sinusitis and migraine headaches

Migraine headaches often have symptoms that are similar to other conditions, including chronic sinusitis, and there is strong evidence suggesting that sinusitis can trigger migraines.

Health Care

New research suggests sinusitis can affect the brain's neural processing

New findings suggest that sinusitis or chronic rhinosinusitis may have profound effects on neural processing, affecting mental stability, depression, cognition and awareness.

Health Care

Evidence shows a connection between migraine headaches and chronic sinusitis

Researchers are sharing evidence that chronic sinusitis and migraines can have similar symptoms and are often misdiagnosed.

Health Care

Nitric oxide has been shown to reduce chronic sinusitis symptoms

Scientific evidence supports the hypothesis that nitric oxide can affect athletic performance and reduce chronic sinusitis symptoms.

Health Care

Nitric oxide has been shown to affect athletic performance and reduce symptoms of chronic sinusitis

There is scientific evidence available to support the hypothesis of nitric oxide affecting athletic performance and reducing chronic sinusitis symptoms.